Announcement : 

HOT CROSS BUNS  – Fill out those forms and get them back to us by 07 April 2025!

School Procedures

Please take note of the following: 


These are held in the Basement on a Monday morning between 9.15 am and 9.45 am. Interested persons are welcome to attend.


Behaviour is deemed to be unacceptable if:

it interferes with the teacher’s teaching,

it interferes with another child’s learning and /or safety,

it interferes with showing respect to another’s belongings, views, ideas and space,

it shows a blatant disregard for the school environment.

Bell times: 

8.55 am: bell to indicate start of the day

11.00 am: bell for morning tea

11.40 am: bell for end of morning tea and play

1.00 pm: bell for lunch time

1.40 pm: bell for end of lunch and play

3.00 pm: bell to indicate end of the school day

Bell times for morning tea and lunch can change in Term 1 and 4 when swimming becomes part of the school day. Please call the office to confirm the bell times on these days.

Book Club:

Students have the opportunity to buy books at a reasonable price through Scholastic NZ Book Club. These offers are availble twice a term. A catalogue containing titles and prices will be sent home with each child. There is no obligation to purchase books. The school do receive rewards for purchases made by the students. These rewards are used to purchase new books for the school library. Books ordered can be sent to school or to an address of your choice via the Loop feature. Distribution of books sent to the school will be done by the office to those who ordered books.

Dental Therapist:

Keep an eye on the events calendar on the website for dates when the dental unit will visit the school.


Our school have a rubbish free lunch policy. All packaging will be sent home with your student. Please refrain from sending lollies and chocolates to school in your student’s lunch box. We encourage parents to send healthy foods to school in lunch boxes and a drink bottle.

Lunch Orders:

Students are able to purchase lunch orders from the office on Tuesdays and Fridays. The orders are prepared off site by Te Kuiti New World. Place order form and cash in a zip lock bag and hand it in to the office before 9 am. Late orders can unfortunately not be processed due to the fact that the lunches are prepared off site. Change will be sent to the classroom at the end of the day.


A combined school – parish newsletter is prepared each week. A hard copy is sent home with the oldest or only student in the family and an electronic copy emailed to parents / caregivers. Interested parties can sign up to receive our newsletters under the Newsletter label of our website.


Taking part in sporting activities are encouraged by our school, especially team sports. Skills training is given as part of the Physical Education programme. However, we do rely heavily on parents to be coaches and managers of sports teams. Students are able to participate in Rugby, Soccer, Netball, Hockey, Miniball and sometimes Touch Rugby, Rippa Rugby and Tennis. Please keep contact with the coach and manager of your students’ team regarding practice times and game days.

Swimming is considered part of the curriculum. The whole school goes on busses to the Te Kuiti Aquatic Centre on designated days and times. The swimming season includes five to six weeks of Term 1 and three weeks in Term 4.  A selection of students attend the Inter School Swimming Sports. If your student is not able to take part in swimming, they must bring a note to their class teacher on the day.

Athletics are held annually in Term 4 and our students participate in both tabloid and competative races. This enables us to cater for all children. A selection of students attend the Inter School Athletics Sports.

Cross Country is held at Brook Park in Term 2. For those students interested, extra training is given in readiness for the Inter School Cross Country held at Rengitoto School.

Leaving of School Grounds:

It is preferred that students not be removed from the school during the school day. We understand that sometimes it is unavoidable. Please call the office and inform the Principal and Office Manager of your intention to take your student from school so a note can be added to the Student Management System to inform their teacher. Students are not allowed to leave the school grounds unaccompanied by a parent/caregiver between 9 am and 3 pm.

Technology (Manual) Classes:

Our Year 7 & 8 students attend Technology classes at Te Kuiti High School once a week, where they learn a variety of skills associated with the Technology Curriculum.

Tree Climbing:

Traditionally, the students at this school have been permitted to climb trees at this school. They have wonderful trees in their school grounds begging to be climbed.

There are 4 rules they need to adhere to when climbing the trees:

The trees with seating underneath them may NOT be climbed.

No student is to pull another student into the tree. (If they can’t get into the tree by themselves, then they shouldn’t be in there).

No equipment may be taken up into the tree.

Students may only climb as high as it is deemed safe by the duty teacher.

Toys and Other Personal Objects:

If these are left at home, then no one at school will want to borrow them. We don’t encourage mobile phones at school. If a student need to contact a parent, they may do so through the school office. If you require your student to have a mobile phone so you are able to contact them after school, please ensure that they hand the phone in to the office at 9 am and collect it at 3.00 pm.

The following items are covered in the Policies and Procedures which is available on the Our School label of our website: 

Absences, Accidents and Sick students, After school arrangements, Allergies / Health problems. Assessment and Reporting. Attendance Dues.

Bicycles, Buses, Concerns and Questions, Cultural Activities, Emergency numbers and Contacts, Emergency Procedures, Enrolment, Head lice, Home Learning, Internet and Computer use, Learning Support, Medicines, Parking at school, Playground Rules, Privicy Act, Protection Orders, School Donation, School Trips, Smoking Policy, Sunsafe,