Announcement : 

HOT CROSS BUNS  – Fill out those forms and get them back to us by 07 April 2025!


The St Joseph’s Catholic School Board of Trustees welcome inquiries for enrolment in 2024.
Please make an appointment with the Principal to inquire about enrolment or arrange a school visit.

Families with a preference card will take priority.

If you wish to apply for enrolment, download and fill in the Application for Enrolment Form and return to the school office along with a copy of your child’s birth certificate/passport and a preference card (if applicable).
The Applications to Enrol must be received at the school office in order to be considered for placement.

All applicants must meet the criteria outlined in the school’s enrolment policy and preference criteria will also apply.

  • For preference applications, a preference card, signed by the Parish Priest or the Preference Committee must be received by the school for each child wishing to enrol.               
  • Appointments with the Parish Priest can be made by contacting Father Rico on 07 8786417
  • Contact details of the Preference Committee may be obtained by phoning the school office on 07 8788190.

In line with the State Integration Agreement the school is required to have only 5% of the maximum student roll enrolled as non preference students.

When non preference vacancies become available the following criteria applies;

  • Up to 6 children with non-preference status may be on the school roll at any time.
  • Parents are able to place their child’s name on a waiting list.
  • Children will be offered placement as vacancies occur in accordance with the following guidelines:
    • Siblings of existing non-preference students
    • Students living within the agreed catchment area being the parish boundary
    • Children of staff members
    • Students living outside the schools agreed catchment are

The date names are placed on the waiting list will define the priority within each of the above criteria.

Pre-Enrolment Form

Enrolment Form

Media Permission Form


New Entrant Booklet  
Download File

Information Booklet   
Download File


Attendance Dues:  (Payable to the Diocese NOT our school):   What are Attendance Dues?


  • Primary students (YR 1-8): $496.00 (including GST.) – i.e. $124.00 per term (as of January 1st 2024).

The Catholic Integrated Schools Office will send out invoices at the beginning of each year, and payments are to be paid directly to that office.

Payments are to be made out to R.C. Bishop of Hamilton – Diocesan Schools A/C.

Automatic payments can be arranged with the Catholic Integrated Schools Office. This money is used by the Diocese to fund building and capital works in schools.

The Diocese also asks for a $40.00 donation, per child, towards supporting the Catholic Character of our schools. This money is used to fund teacher’s professional development, and support for schools to develop and enhance Catholic Character.

Attendance Dues Assistance Form   
View Document