Announcement : 

HOT CROSS BUNS  – Fill out those forms and get them back to us by 07 April 2025!


2024  KCJH  Junior Hockey

Draw for the Season



2022 KCJH Junior Hockey Handbook.docx

NCKJH 2022 Intermediate Draw.pdf

NKCJH 2022 Junior A Draw.pdf

NKCJH 2022 Junior B Draw.pdf






NKCJ Hockey Muster Dates.pdf  –  NEW MUSTER DATES ADDED!!





President & Treasurer        Jo Alcock    

Secretary                              Alison Ferris

Draws & Scores                   Wendy Verry

Members                              Trudy Denize

                                                Sarah McElroy

                                                Sam Ussher

                                                Bex Stubbs

                                                Ben Stubbs

                                                Nicola Alcock   

                                                Kris Neal

                                                Shaina Downey

                                               Misy Tapu



Our main method of communication is our Facebook page

This is where you will find the draw, points table, any changes to venue, cancellation and announcements of up and coming events.


Queries regarding the local competition – Wendy Verry


Any other queries – Nicola Alcock



Registration forms are to be completed for each team and emailed to me by Friday 9th April, blank form is attached

If you do not have enough children in your school to make a team please contact me and I will liaise with other schools to make teams, please do this as soon as possible



Fun Sticks                          $20/player

Junior A and Junior B      $20/player

Intermediate                     $30/player

Invoices will be sent out to schools when registrations are finalised



The season will start the week of 3rd May.  The competition generally runs for the length of Term 2, but will depend on the number of teams entered.  The final format will be confirmed once all teams are registered.


Year 0-2 Funsticks  Thursday 3:40pm                 CP                      Skills & Drills

Year 3-4 Junior B    Thursday 3:40pm                TKHS, PPP         6 players per team

Year 5-6 Junior A    Thursday 3:40 or 4:20pm  TKHS, PPP, SJ    6 players per team.

Year 7-8 Intermediate Tuesday/Wednesday 3:40 or 4:20pm      TKHS       7 players per team


Te Kuiti High School (TKHS), Piopio Primary (PPP), Centennial Park (CP), St Joseph’s (SJ)



Scores are to be emailed to or Text to 021 2121 453 as soon as possible after the game.  Please ensure you send through both team names, and goals scored by each team.

e.g  St Jos White 4 – Aria Blue 4



Each team is to supply one umpire

There will be an umpiring session towards the end of Term 1.  Date to be confirmed



Please find attached the updated Handbook



We are very privileged to be able to use turfs at Te Kuiti High School, Piopio Primary, Centennial Park and St Joseph’s schools.  We ask you to speak to your players and supporters about respecting the property of these schools and looking after the turf. 

Some basic rules:

No food or chewing gum on turf

No spiked shoes

No climbing on the fences

No hanging sticks in the fence

No rubbish to be left behind

No smoking

At St Joseph’s can spectators please stay off the turf, this is due to the small area outside the field markings.  Parking is available on Seddon and Queen Streets, please do not park in the school grounds.


We will try and get Waikato Hockey to come and do some training sessions with players between now and the end of Term 1.  Dates will be sent out to schools.



Wendy Verry              



Fill out this Registration Form to Register your child for Hockey

2021 KCJH Junior Hockey registration form.docx


2021 KCJH Junior Hockey Handbook.docx

 Contact  email

Facebook page for communication: