Announcement : 

HOT CROSS BUNS  – Fill out those forms and get them back to us by 07 April 2025!


2024  Junior RUGBY

U9 – Rippa  and  Midgets   

2021 Rugby King Country Rugby Union –




2022 RUGBY

Rugby Tournament 2022 Permission Slip.pdf


Register your student with the NKC Junior Rugby by following this link:



   2021 Rugby 


King Country Rugby Union –   Sporty    See this for Saturday Rugby Draws for Years 7 and 8 

Waitete R.F.C.  – Junior Player Registrations 

Waitete U11 Final Muster :   

The final muster for U11 is this Thursday 25th March 4pm – 5pm at Waitete

Thank you to the kids and families who attended the first muster last Friday and those who sent in apologies

Please contact Monique on 0212372995 if you are keen but can not make it on Thursday.





2021 Rugby 7’s  Wednesday 31st March 



Here is a list of the teams.

Rugby Sevens.pdf



Fill out these forms:

Waitomo 7s Tournament Parent Consent and Rules.docx

2021 NZR Rego (Light).docx  


For the coaches:

Team Registration Form.docx